The Social Security Administration recently announced changes to the maximum earnings subject to the tax.

The Social Security Administration recently announced changes to the maximum earnings subject to the tax.
The U.S. Department of Labor recently finalized and released the details of its mandatory overtime pay new rule.
Certain medical services related to preventative care for chronic conditions will now be covered as part of HDHP coverage.
A new rule could shake up the way employers and employees leverage their health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) funds.
In mid-July, the House met and voted to pass the “Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act,” which would repeal that Cadillac tax.
Let’s take a look at this new executive order, what it covers and what next steps will likely be taken by governing bodies and healthcare service providers.
Every business wants to grow, but with expansion comes growing pains, many of which are related to a corresponding increase in regulatory burden.
For those looking to legislate paid family leave into practice, the main question now appears to be whether such regulations should be pursued at the state of federal level.
A federal judge ruled that portions of the Department of Labor’s 2018 final rule on association health plans were invalid and constituted an “end-run” around the ACA that exceeded the DOL’s authority under the ERIS.
In March, the U.S. Department of Labor proposed a new rule that would update the minimum salary threshold that largely determines whether or not an employee is exempt from overtime pay under federal law.