Top 5 employee benefits

Both human resources and the benefits department are responsible for managing employee benefits. Companies must offer generous packages to keep workers satisfied and prevent key contributors from leaving. 

Reliable HR outsourcing companies like Triton HR offer employee benefits services and HR services to help you improve your company. The following is a top five list of the most important benefits you should consider offering. 

1. Health insurance
Health insurance is important to almost every employee. Paying for both emergency healthcare and routine checkups can be difficult for even the most well-off workers. What's more, the Department of Labor explains that Affordable Care Act requires employers to extend health coverage to their workers' dependents

Ultimately, group health insurance should be offered to the entire staff, especially as medical costs keep increasing. According to the Millman Medical Index, the annual cost of healthcare for a family of four will be $22,030 in 2013, up from $20,728 in 2012. Offering insurance will ensure that employees can maintain financial solvency. 

2. Wellness programs
The Society for Human Resource Management points out that some enterprises are now offering wellness programs as part of the employee benefits package. Providing this perk allows business to recoup 30 percent of healthcare costs as part of the ACA's financial incentive plan. 

There are many features that you can include in your wellness program. For instance, you can offer discounts for gym memberships and hire a health coach to counsel staff members. Additionally, provide education on the health effects of using tobacco as programs designed to reduce smoking qualify for further ACA incentives. 

3. Disability insurance
According to the National Federation of Independent Business, disability insurance is a relatively inexpensive employee benefit as it only costs "between 0.25 and 0.5 percent of total compensation." Offer both short- and long-term plans so employees are covered in the event of an emergency. 

4. Telecommuting
Working at home has become more and more popular in recent years. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 13.4 million Americans worked remotely at least once per week in 2010, up from only 9.5 million in 1999. 

Implement digital resources that allow staff members to work from home. Video conferencing software and cloud services facilitate communication between employees while they're in separate locations. 

5. Refreshments
While it's not always financially feasible to provide free meals to the entire staff, healthy snacks and refreshments should be offered as an employee benefit. For food, consider making fruits and vegetables available and stay away from junk food like chips.

For drinks, there are a couple of options. A company coffee machine may be sufficient for ensuring workplace satisfaction while also keep employees awake and alert throughout the day. Additionally, install a filling station for water bottle so employees can stay hydrated.