Successful HR technology transition: Change management is essential

As companies continue to grow, it's essential their technology expands as well. Human resources often utilizes certain software to streamline their processes and these programs will need be altered and updated over time. Sometimes, a completely new system is necessary to simplify tasks across departments. Successful change management requires constant communication with employees. Here are some other strategies for a favorable HR technology transition:

Focus on company values
Employees will have a variety of questions HR teams have to answer. One of the most common is: Why is this happening? Company leaders can emphasize the enterprise's values as a response to this inquiry. Focusing on the mission, goals and culture will help workers see how the change is actually in line with the business's overall objectives, according to Recruiter. Employees want to know how the implementation of new technology will benefit them, so tying the transition to shared values is a smart way for HR teams to build a sense of purpose and trust among workers.

Be transparent
To keep people interested and trusting of the technological transformation, management needs to be as honest with employees as possible. HR teams should communicate how the new software will affect work practices, including recruiting and retention responsibilities. Keeping workers informed throughout the implementation process, and even after the system has been introduced, will help businesses maintain employee engagement.

"Management should be honest with employees about the technology transition."

Workers can lose confidence in an organization if they hear news from a chain of peers instead of management, so companies should make sure leaders are the main source of information, according to HR Voice.

Encourage employee involvement
Businesses can improve worker engagement by making employees feel valued. One way to do just that is to include people at all levels of the business in the implementation process, including opportunities for decision making. Leaders can ask for worker perspectives, using their input prior to and following the introduction of the new technology, according to ERE Media. HR teams can distribute surveys to gauge support for certain software features and hold town hall sessions to discuss the impact of the transition. Companies that involve employees in the transformation may see increased effort and dedication to the new system.

Most of the time, workers fear new technology because they worry how it will affect them and change their work practices. Businesses need to make sure to communicate with employees at every step of the implementation process to maintain trust within the group. Furthermore, HR teams should provide adequate training on the new software so people feel comfortable with the transition.