Proposed HRA expansion met with praise and pushback
The government has released a proposed rule to expand the use of HRAs so that they could be used to pay for medical coverage.

Remembering the human touch in human resources compliance
One of the most challenging aspects of being an HR professional is knowing when to exercise discretion in a difficult decision, rather than simply go by the book.

The pros and cons of employee monitoring
The most efficient way to improve productivity is to study your workforce’s current output, analyze the behavior and then make the necessary adjustments.

Social Security wage base increased for 2019
The Social Security Administration recently announced that the Social Security wage base will be raised to $132,900 for 2019, which represents a $4,500 increase from the 2018 wage base.

The State of the Union Address and the Employee Benefits Market
View this new brief regarding the 2019 State of the Union Address and how it relates to the Employee Benefits Market.

What are the 2019 trends in employee benefits?
There are many 2019 trends in employee benefits being predicted by HR professionals, including the rise of telemedicine, the creation of innovative plans and the emergence of new cost control methods.

What the future of AI means for the future of HR
The rise of artificial intelligence represents a threat to the continued relevance of human workers, and in turn, the Human Resources professionals who serve them.

The six effective leadership tactics of highly successful managers
In order to remain competitive, business owners and HR leaders need to remain up to date on the latest regulatory changes, trending HR developments and adjust accordingly.

Looking back on the biggest HR challenges of 2018

How to design employee benefit packages that attract millennials
With millennials now making up the largest portion of the workforce and Generation Z close behind, employers have begun offering employee benefit packages designed specifically to appeal to the values of younger workers.